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Teacher Application for Reinstatement Form: TSC Process & Requirements

Teacher Application for Reinstatement Form: TSC Process & Requirements

Are you a teacher in Kenya looking to be reinstated into the Teachers’ Register after a period of removal? The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has a process in place for teachers seeking to regain their professional status.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps and requirements for applying for reinstatement. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is responsible for the registration and regulation of teachers in Kenya.

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Teachers who have been removed from the Teachers’ Register have the opportunity to apply for reinstatement, provided they meet the necessary criteria.

Part A of the Form

The reinstatement process begins with the completion of Part A of the application form (Find it below this article). This section should be filled out by the applicant who wishes to be reinstated into the Teachers’ Register.

It’s essential to note that the application should be submitted at least 18 months after being removed from the Register.

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Submission of Documents

Once Part A of the form is completed, three copies of the form should be submitted to the TSC County Director. Along with the application form, several documents must be provided, including:

  • Certificate of Good Conduct: This certificate is essential to verifying your conduct during the period you were removed from the Register.
  • Letter of Recommendation from Local Administration: A letter of recommendation from the local administration is required. This letter should vouch for the applicant’s suitability for reinstatement into the Register of Teachers, specifically addressing the offense that led to their removal from the register.
  • Letter of Recommendation from Education Sector Officer: An additional letter of recommendation is needed from an officer in the education sector, holding the position of Head of Institution or above. This letter should also vouch for the applicant’s suitability for reinstatement, with a focus on the offense that resulted in their removal from the register.

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  • Certified Copies: Provide certified copies of your National Identity Card and academic and professional certificates.

Additional Requirements for Teachers De-Registered Under Regulation 141 (a) and (c) of the CORT:

Evidence of Completion of Guidance and Counseling Program: For teachers de-registered under Regulation 141 (a) and (c) of the CORT, they must provide documentary evidence of attendance and completion of a Guidance and Counseling program.

This program should be from a recognized institution specializing in Counseling, Rehabilitation, and Psychosocial support services, detailing program content and duration.

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Two References: Applicants in this category must also provide two references, one from a Local Administrator and one from a Religious leader.

These references should vouch for the applicant’s suitability for reinstatement and relate to the offense that led to the teacher’s removal from the Register of Teachers.

Additional Requirements for Teachers De-Registered on Account of Other Offenses Under Regulation 141 of the CORT:

Two References: Teachers de-registered for reasons other than those mentioned in the previous category must provide two references: one from a Local Administrator and one from a Religious leader.

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These references should vouch for the applicant’s suitability for reinstatement, focusing on the offense that resulted in the teacher’s removal from the Register of Teachers.

Any Other Document Attesting to Moral Fitness: Applicants in this category should include any other document that attests to their moral fitness for reinstatement, specifically addressing the offense that led to their removal from the Register of Teachers.

The County Director plays a crucial role in ensuring that the application form is correctly filled out and that all required information and documents are attached before submission for processing.

This meticulous adherence to the mandatory document guidelines is essential to facilitate the smooth reinstatement of teachers to the Register of Teachers and uphold professional standards within the teaching profession.

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The Reinstatement Process

The TSC will conduct a thorough review of your application and the accompanying documents.

This process may involve investigations and assessments to determine your eligibility for reinstatement.

Based on their findings and due process, the TSC will make a decision either to confirm the removal or reinstate your name in the Teachers’ Register.

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Important Information to Include

In your application, ensure you provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Age
  • Teaching certificate number
  • TSC number
  • Grade
  • Address
  • County and sub-county
  • Last station of work
  • Date of interdiction
  • Discipline case number

Don’t forget to include your signature and the date of the application.

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Recommendations and Remarks

Your application will require recommendations and remarks from relevant authorities. These should be included in your application package:

  • Sub County Director: This official should provide their name, TSC number, signature, designation, and date of recommendation.
  • T.H.C. County Director: The County Director needs to provide information similar to that.

Teacher Application for Reinstatement Form

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Reinstating your name into the Teachers‘ Register is possible after a period of removal, provided you follow the proper procedures and meet the necessary requirements.

The TSC designs its process to ensure it registers only qualified and deserving teachers.

If you are looking to return to the teaching profession, make sure to complete the application accurately and include all required documents.

The TSC will carefully evaluate your application, and if successful, you can resume your teaching career with confidence.

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Teacher Application for Reinstatement Form: TSC Process & Requirements

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