New TSC Recruitment Guidelines For Post Primary Intern Teachers, 2024
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has unveiled new recruitment guidelines for post-primary intern teachers, marking a significant stride in the commission‘s commitment to shaping the future of education.
These guidelines set the framework for the selection process, emphasizing the TSC’s dedication to ensuring that only the most qualified and capable educators join the ranks of post-primary intern teachers. In this overview, we delve into the key aspects of the new recruitment guidelines that will define the landscape for aspiring educators in the upcoming year.
The Regional Director, Nairobi, County Directors, and Sub-County Directors are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancy(ies) for applicants wishing to be engaged in the TSC Internship program and submit Merit Lists to the TSC Headquarters following the advertisement for recruitment of teacher interns.
The Regional Selection Panel for Nairobi and the County Selection Panel for other counties should ratify the lists.
Applicants must submit their applications online via to the Secretary of the Teachers Service Commission for the institution where a vacancy has been announced.
Applicants will be required to upload copies of their professional and academic certificates, as well as any other applicable documents.
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The Selection Panel must exhibit the highest level of openness and accountability per the Public Officer Ethics Act and the TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE, 2015).
The TSC Regional Directors must conduct training sessions for TSC County Directors within their areas of jurisdiction.
Subsequently, these County Directors are responsible for training members of the Sub-County Selection Panels participating in the recruitment process on the relevant sections of the Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT, 2015) prior to the commencement of the selection exercise.
The TSC County Director and TSC Sub-County Directors MUST ensure that the recruitment process adheres strictly to the protocols established by the Ministry of Health for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In coordination with their respective TSC County Directors, TSC Sub-County Directors MUST ensure that venues for selection processes are accessible to applicants with disabilities.
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In accordance with Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act of 2012, all applicants MUST hold a valid teacher registration. Failure to possess valid registration will result in disqualification from consideration for employment.
At the shortlisting stage, TSC Sub-County Directors MUST validate the online registration status of applicants to avoid hiring unregistered/deregistered teachers or ineligible applicants.
Applicants whose names differ on academic and professional certificates and/or identification cards MUST submit an affidavit sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap. 15 of the Laws of Kenya, to explain the discrepancy.
Applicants who retook either the KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the national examination certificate(s) for each attempt.
The Sub-County Directors must affix their signatures to copies of the certificates.
Following the generation of Applicants’ Lists, the TSC County Director shall distribute the lists to TSC Sub-County Directors.
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The TSC Sub-County Directors are responsible for convening the Sub-County Selection Committee(s).
The selection panel(s) will choose the interview locations, dates, and times and let the applicants know.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will invite all applicants to submit their documents for review. Applicants will receive communication regarding the interview location, date, and time at least seven (7) days before the verification exercise.
The verification process will take place at the Sub-County level and will be conducted by the TSC Sub-County Selection Panel under the guidance of the TSC Sub-County Director.
The TSC Sub-County Director shall construct a Merit List of all applicants whose documents have been verified following the verification process.
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The recruitment of teacher internship and any subsequent recruitment processes during the fiscal year will utilize the Merit Lists.
Upon invitation to an interview, applicants must present originals and reproductions of the following documents:
- National Identification Card;
- Teacher Registration Certificate:
- Certificate of Diploma or Degree and official transcripts:
- KCSE certificates or their equivalent (including certificates for retaken exams):
- KCPE certificate or it’s equivalent (include certificates for attempts if retaking examinations);
- Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other pertinent documentation;
- National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (if applicable);
- An Affidavit sworn according to the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap. 15 of the Laws of Kenya, to explain the difference in names:
- Letter of results certification from KNEC (where applicable).
ALSO READ: Academic and Professional Documents Required by TCS During Teachers’ Post-Primary Intern Recruitment
Persons with disabilities must designate their disability status and provide details regarding the nature of their disability for placement purposes. The Commission, in compliance with the Constitution and the Law, will guarantee that 5% of all the positions are for the recruitment of teachers with disabilities.
In the event of a tie, deliberation for selection will be based on the following order of precedence:
- Preference will be given to applicants from the respective sub-counties and counties.
- Length of Residency since Graduation
- Quality of academic and professional credentials presented.
Applicants who have previously participated in a teacher internship programme or worked for the Commission are ineligible.
The TSC County Director must submit to the Commission the names of interviewees ranked according to their performance in the selection process for each vacancy (Appendix iii), along with the recruitment materials of successful applicants.
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The Sub-County Selection Panel shall develop the County Merit List during the interview.
The Commission shall utilize the Merit List for future recruitment processes involving a comparable vacancy in the sub-county throughout the fiscal year or as directed periodically by the Commission.
The Sub-County Selection Panel is responsible for submitting the vacancy-specific merit list to the County Director of TSC.
The TSC County Director compiles the County Merit List, which will serve as the database for the replacement of county teacher apprentices within the fiscal year.
The TSC County Director must transmit the County Merit List to the Regional Director, who will then compile the Regional Merit Lists.
The Regional Director must transmit the Regional Merit Lists to the Director of Staffing at Headquarters.
The Commission will actively utilize the database of interviewed candidates to replace individuals exiting service during the Fiscal Year or as specifically directed by the Commission. In instances where the county data bank becomes depleted, the regional data bank will be actively employed to replenish it.
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Once all candidates within a region have been exhausted, the Commission will fill vacancies using the National data bank or as directed by the Commission.
New TSC Recruitment Guidelines For Post Primary Intern Teachers, 2024