5,278 Degree Qualified Students preferred Tvet Courses.
Of those who qualified for degree programs, 5,278 were placed in Tvet institutions of their choice.
Prof Magoha encouraged students to continue applying for Tvet courses, stating that their future would be brighter.
Despite the fact that a large number of students did not apply for Tvet courses, the number of those who chose Tvet over degree courses was 5,278, indicating a growing preference.
“This positive trajectory is due to the investment by President Uhuru Kenyatta in the Tvet sector and encouraging more students to embrace the Tvet courses,” said Prof Magoha.
Some 826,807 candidates sat the 2021 KCSE exam. Among them, 145,145 scored a mean Grade of C+ (plus) and above, according to data from the Education ministry.
Those who scored a mean grade of C plain and below were 681,662, meaning they qualified to apply for placement in the Tvets and the teacher training colleges (TTC).
However, only 124,258 have been placed in Tvets, while 1,538 have been placed in primary education TTCs and another 293 in secondary education TTCs.
This has left out 555,573 students unplaced. The government hopes to continue placing them progressively as they apply under government sponsorship.
The number of those who did not apply is, however, lower than the 604,021 who scored similar grades in 2020 and were not placed.
Students with C- (minus) and C (plain) grades are eligible to apply for diploma programs. Certificate courses are open to students with grades D- and D+ (plus), while craft courses are open to students with grades D- (minus). Applicants with a grade of E apply for artisan courses.
Kuccps places students in different courses based on the minimum entry requirements established by learning institutions. There are 4,450 Tvets in Kenya, as well as 11 national polytechnics.
Some Tvets, such as Nairobi Technical, Kabete Technical, Sigalala, and Mombasa, have historically attracted a larger number of students.
Those who did not apply for placement are presumed to have applied to study abroad or at private universities, according to the CS.
The majority of Grade A students were assigned to courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, BSc in Clinical Medicine, BSc in Nursing, Bachelor of Laws, Architecture, Bachelor of Computer Science, and Bachelor of Engineering are all competitive courses (Aeronautical).
Kuccps did not release data on placement by university or placement of top candidates. Nairobi, Egerton, Moi, Kenyatta, Maseno, and the Technical University of Kenya have received the most A students in the last two years.
Masinde Muliro, Kisii, Uzima, and Dedan Kimathi are among the other universities that have received top students.
5,278 Degree Qualified Students Preferred Tvet Courses