Types of leaves for TSC employed teachers in Kenya
Teachers, like all other government employees, are entitled to leave.
They are usually approved by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) through one of its agents or the head of the institution. You can apply for one if you have a pressing matter.
However, you must first determine the type of leave you require. As a result, knowing the different types of leaves for teachers will make the entire process easier.
Each academic year, the TSC allows its employees at least one leave day. Teachers are usually required to apply for the leaves through an official communication, most often in writing.
Some, however, do not require authorization because they are automatic, such as those taken on public holidays.
Kenyan teachers’ leave options
Teachers must submit the necessary documents along with the application form to TSC. As a result, it is critical to gather all of the necessary documents to support your application. Otherwise, your application may be rejected.
TSC states that teachers are entitled to six types of leaves, which are as follows:
Annual leave
Every TCS registered teacher is entitled to a maximum of 42 days of annual leave per year. They are guaranteed full pay while on leave.
Notably, teachers in Kenya should take their annual leave during the school holidays.
It cannot be carried forward, unlike some other types of leaves. The application form is available for download from the TSC website or in person at sub-county offices.
After completing the form, attach any necessary supporting documentation. Finally, give it to the head of the institution before submitting it to the Sub-County Director for approval.
Maternity & paternity leave
There are two separate leaves for male and female teachers. Maternity leave is available to female expectant teachers. They may be given a period of 90 calendar days from the date of delivery.
It is best to apply one month before the date of confinement. The maternity leave form for teachers is available online.
Paternity leave is given to male teachers whose partners are confined. The maximum number of days off duty that can be taken is ten.
To apply, write to the DCE/MEO/DEO via the institution’s head. When applying, you must provide supporting documentation.
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– What TSC Require To Process Your Pension
– Retirement Age For TSC Teachers And Lecturers
– Pension calculations for Kenyan Teachers
If a person decides to leave before a formal release or approval, they may face punishment from TSC. Remember that this leave has no bearing on the annual holiday.
TSC compassionate leave
Compassionate leave is available to all teachers. It is used when a TSC teacher’s immediate family member dies.
It can also be used if a dependent suffers from a life-threatening illness or injury. The maximum number of days off duty that can be taken is 15.
To apply, send a letter to the institution’s or agent’s head. The institution’s head should then request approval from the Sub-County Director in writing.
Study leave
Study leave is for teachers who want to further their education. Its approval may depend on a number of factors.
To qualify, one must first have taught for at least five years. Second, one must have a proven track record of good performance.
Finally, this leave of absence is only available to those pursuing a post-graduate diploma or degree. Unlike other teacher leaves, the application process for this one is a little different.
For example, one month before the enrolment date, one should write to the commission through the institution’s head.
In addition, one’s application should be accompanied by an admission letter.
Teachers who are granted study leave with pay will be bonded to work for the commission as follows:
– For courses lasting six months but less than one year will be bonded for a period of one year.
– For courses lasting less than two years will be bonded for two year.
– Those attending courses lasting two years or more will be bonded for three years.
Where a teacher under bond obligation chooses to terminate his/her service, he/she will be required to pay in full the total cost of training, the salaries and allowances paid to him/her while on study leave.
Self-sponsored teachers will be required to repay an amount equivalent to the salaries and allowances paid to them while on study leave.
The bond will not be applicable to those who have proceeded on unpaid study leave.
Special leave
Teachers can take advantage of TSC special leave to attend seminars, conferences, and meetings.
If the events are brief and directly related to the advancement of a teacher’s career, the commission will pay them as usual.
Those who are required to be absent from work, on the other hand, are granted a paid holiday.
In either case, the application should be made in advance through the institution’s head. When it comes to approval, attaching relevant documents is a good thing.
Leave to spouses of diplomats
Leave for diplomats’ spouses applies to teachers who are married to diplomats.
When a teacher’s spouse is assigned outside of the country, the commission may grant them unpaid time off.
To apply, send a letter to the commission with all necessary documentation attached.
It is required to submit the application one month before the end of your spouse’s assignment for posting.
Sick Leave
Finally, in Kenya, sick leave is granted to teachers who become ill while on duty.
A teacher should apply to TSC 48 hours after leaving the hospital as an out-patient. On the other hand, if admitted as an in-patient, one must apply within seven days.
Write to the head of an institution for approval, as with most leaves.
When a teacher is suffering from a serious illness,
the headteacher or principal may request permission from the commission.
We hope you now have a better understanding of the various types of leaves available to Kenyan teachers.
In total, each teacher is entitled to at least once per calendar year.
Teachers must apply in writing through the heads of their institutions in order to be considered.
Types of leaves for TSC employed teachers in Kenya