Uasin Gishu To Employ More ECDE Teachers and Increase Salaries
Since the beginning of devolution, 180 ECDE teachers have been under contract with the County Government of Uasin Gishu.
Efforts are being made to employ these teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.
Governor of Uasin Gishu Jonathan Chelilim Bii stated that some teachers have been on indeterminate contracts for the past ten years and have faced daily worry regarding their job security.
Bii stated while meeting with members of the ECDE teachers, that these educators had endured unimaginable anguish for far too long.
That they have been looked down upon and mocked despite playing a crucial part in fostering the foundation of our children’s education.
The Governor stated that he will meet with all ECDE teachers on Friday to determine how their wages will be paid.
The meeting will also foster how to initiate the procedure for their permanent employment with the county government.
He stated that it was unfortunate that ECDE teachers often appeared disillusioned because the community regarded them as lowly individuals due to their employment.
“What most people fail to understand is that some of the ECDE teachers are highly trained, some with a master level of education.
“We shall have to sit with all of them so that we know how payment for graduates, diploma and certificate holders will be done, commensurate with their levels of education,” said Bii.
Uasin Gishu To Employ More ECDE Teachers and Increase Salaries