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HomeTSCTSC Teachers Grading Structure; Job Titles, 2024

TSC Teachers Grading Structure; Job Titles, 2024

TSC Teachers Grading Structure; Job Titles, 2024

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of a nation. In Kenya, the dedication and hard work of educators are highly valued, and the Teachers Service Commission has established a comprehensive system of job titles and salary scales to reward them accordingly.

In this article, we will delve into the various job titles and salary scales for Kenyan teachers, shedding light on the distinctions, responsibilities, and compensation associated with each position.

Job Titles and Scales for Kenyan Teachers

Here’s a breakdown of the different job titles and their corresponding grades and T-scales in the Kenyan education system:

Chief Principal (Grade D5; T-Scale 15)

The highest-ranking educational administrator.

Responsible for overseeing the overall operation of an institution.

Senior Principal (Grade D4 – T-Scale 14)

Second in command after the Chief Principal.

Typically responsible for managing a large school or institution.

Principal (Grade D3 – T-Scale 13)

Often serves as the head of a school.

Responsible for academic and administrative leadership.

Deputy Principal I (Grade D3 – T-Scale 13)

Assists the Principal in various capacities.

May oversee specific academic departments.

Deputy Principal II (Grade D2; T-Scale 12)

Supports the Principal and Deputy Principal I.

Typically involved in school management and discipline.

Senior Master I / Senior Lecturer I (Grade D1 – T-Scale 11)

High-ranking academic position.

Involved in curriculum development and teaching.

Senior Master II (Grade C5 – T-Scale 10)

Focuses on curriculum development and teaching.

May have additional administrative duties.

Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher I, and Curriculum Support Officer II (Grade C4 – T-Scale 9)

A diverse group of educators and administrators.

Responsibilities range from teaching to school management.

Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I or SNE Teacher I, Primary (Grade C3 – T-Scale 8)

Engaged in teaching at different levels.

May include special needs education (SNE) teachers.

Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II, Primary, Lecturer II or Senior Teacher II (Grade C2 T-Scale 7)

Educators with varying roles, often in classroom teaching.

Lecturers may be involved in higher education institutions.

Secondary Teacher III, Primary Teacher I or Primary Teacher II (Grade C1 – T-Scale 6)

Entry-level positions for educators.

Primary teachers work with younger students, while secondary teachers cover various subjects.


The education system in Kenya offers a diverse range of job titles and salary scales for teachers, reflecting the critical roles they play in the country’s development.

From Chief Principals overseeing entire institutions to Primary Teachers shaping young minds, each role is integral to the nation’s educational landscape.

TSC Teachers Grading Structure; Job Titles, 2024


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