TSC Recruitment Selection Criteria For Teachers
Primary School Teachers’ Selection Criteria
Applicants shall be awarded marks as per the recruitment score sheet.
Where applicants tie in scores, the panel shall consider the criteria under the breaking tie guidelines.
In the event of a tie, consideration for selection will be determined as per the order of priority shown hereunder:
– a) Applicants’ disability status;
– b) Participation in the TSC Teacher Internship Programme;
– c) Length of Stay since graduation;
– d) Strength of academic and professional certificates presented.
– e) If applicants tie in aggregate grades, subject grades shall be considered.
Upon verification of academic, professional, and other relevant documents, the Sub-County selection panel shall compile a Sub-County Merit List.
The TSC SubCounty Directors shall submit Sub-County Merit Lists to the TSC County Directors who shall convene a County Selection Panel to compile a County Merit List.
The County Merit List shall be used in the subsequent recruitment processes within the financial year or as directed by the Commission from time to time.
NB. An applicant with disabilities related to hearing and/or speech shall be allowed the company of a sign language interpreter.
Post-secondary School Teachers’ Selection Criteria
The Secretary, Board of Management, shall provide to the selection panel a list of all shortlisted applicants as received from the TSC Sub-County Director.
The selection panel shall interview only those who meet the set criteria.
The TSC SubCounty Director should note any inconsistency (ies), adhere to the guidelines, and guide the applicants /selection panel and the Commission accordingly.
Applicants shall appear in person before the selection panel.
The selection panel shall score each applicant based on the selection score guide (Appendices 1 (a) or 1 (b))
NB. An applicant with disabilities related to hearing and/or speech shall be allowed the company of a sign language interpreter
In the event of a tie, consideration for selection will be determined as per the order of priority shown hereunder:
a) Applicants’ disability status;
b) Participation in the TSC Teacher Internship Programme;
c) Length of Stay since graduation;
d) Strength of academic and professional certificates presented.
e) If applicants tie in aggregate grades, subject grades shall be considered.
TSC Recruitment Selection Criteria For Teachers