TSC Recruitment Online Portal Link Via hrmis.tsc.go.ke/app/login (July 2022)
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced at least 14,000 openings for primary and secondary school teachers.
TSC intends to hire 5,000 teachers to support the policy of 100% primary to secondary school transition and to address existing shortages.
There are 3,872 positions for secondary school teachers, 28 for Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs), and 1,000 for primary school tutors out of the total vacancies.
TSC has also announced 8,230 vacancies to replace teachers who left the service due to natural attrition, with 6,539 positions for primary schools and 1,691 positions for secondary schools.
To be considered for employment as a secondary teacher, a candidate must be a Kenyan with at least a diploma in education and be a registered teacher with TSC.
Candidates for TTCs must be Kenyans with at least a Bachelor’s degree in Education and be registered with TSC, whereas primary school teachers must have a P1 certificate.
According to TSC, the recruitment guidelines for the fiscal year 2022/2023 will apply.
Similarly, by July 15, the TSC’s website will publish the list of shortlisted candidates, interview dates, and locations.
Shortlisted candidates must present original academic and professional credentials.“
Successful candidates must submit only one application for employment form.
TSC has warned that completing two or more Application for Employment forms will result in disqualification.
Successful candidates will be assigned to any part of the country, not just the county or school where they were interviewed.
TSC also stated that the merit lists generated during this recruitment for primary and secondary schools would be used in subsequent recruitments during the fiscal year.
TSC is also re-advertising 844 positions – 764 for primary schools and 80 for secondary schools – to fill vacancies in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera counties.
TSC also stated that the merit lists generated during this recruitment for primary and secondary schools would be used in subsequent recruitments during the fiscal year.
TSC is also re-advertising 844 positions – 764 for primary schools and 80 for secondary schools – to fill vacancies in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera counties.
To be considered for recruitment, a candidate must be a Kenyan and a resident of Garissa, Mandera, or Wajir counties.
If they are not from the region, they should be teaching in the three counties under the supervision of the Board of Management.
The hired teachers will have permanent and pensionable contracts.
If you are a qualified applicant, there is no need to be concerned. I’ll walk you through the process of applying for these TSC replacement positions step by step.
It should be noted that interested and qualified candidates for secondary school vacancies should apply online through the Commission’s website, www.tsc.go.ke under ‘Careers’ or teachersonline.tsc.go.ke by July 7, 2022.
The Commission has stated that vacancies in primary schools will be filled using the Merit Lists that were generated. The County Directors of the counties where they were merited will notify the successful candidates.
How to Apply for TSC Advertised Vacancies
It should be noted that you can only apply to three schools. Follow the steps below to apply for the positions online:
To access the TSC website, go to http://hrmis.tsc.go.ke.
Choose Careers, then Teachers/Secretariat from the drop-down menu. Then, select ‘Apply for Teacher Internship Position.’
On the displayed screen, Enter the TSC number, ID number, and mobile number, then select primary or secondary from the drop down menu as shown below, and click OK.
TSC will send an SMS to your phone number. Enter the SMS code and press the ‘OK’ button.
In the displayed, Select Apply/view. Fill in your information correctly.
Choose the Ref from the drop down list, then fill in the other details that were not auto-filled and click OK.
To apply for a school, click the + button.
Click OK after selecting the subjects, county, subcounty, and school.
The teacher can apply for multiple positions. SELECT OK.
When finished, a ‘Job Application’ pop-up screen will appear. To submit your application, click ‘Yes.’
TSC Recruitment Online Portal Link Via hrmis.tsc.go.ke/app/login (July 2022)