TSC Recruitment Dissatisfaction; How To File Complaints.
The process of selection during the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recruitment exercise is transparent and only a qualified candidate carries the day.
However, if one is not satisfied with the recruitment process, there is a laid down mechanism to register your dissatisfaction.
Candidates who are dissatisfied with the whole employment exercise should complain immediately in writing to the TSC county director.
Also Read:
A copy of the complaint is sent to TSC headquarters through the email address: dirstaffing@tsc.go.ke not later than seven (7) days after the selection process.
The TSC County Director should, within seven (7) days, analyze and address all complaints raised after the selection process has been completed and promptly inform the headquarters of the action taken.
Where an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of the TSC County Director or where a complaint is made against the TSC County Director, the applicant shall appeal to the Appeals Committee on staffing functions at the TSC Headquarters.
The Appeals Committee shall investigate the allegations and take appropriate action within fourteen (14) days.
Guidelines for the Replacement of Teachers Post-Primary Institutions
Important Notes
i) Under no circumstances should the Application for Employment Form(s) be defaced or photocopied for use.
Clarification and advice on issues of qualifications arising from these guidelines should be sought from the TSC County Directors.
iii) Notwithstanding the decentralization of the function of teacher recruitment pursuant to Section 20 of the TSC Act, the Commission is not precluded in carrying out recruitment directly from the TSC Headquarters.
iv) The TSC Regional Directors shall: Ensure guidelines are adhered to within their regions;
a) Coordinate the teacher recruitment process within their respective regions;
b) Sensitize County Directors and oversee the sensitization of other officers including members of the BoM involved in the process;
c) Ratify the Merit Lists for use during recruitment;
d) Shall undertake measures to resolve complaints arising from the process within their regions.
TSC Recruitment Dissatisfaction; How To File Complaints