TSC Makes Changes On Teachers Maternity and Paternity Leave.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced new changes in regards to maternity and paternity leave days for tutors across the country.
TSC boss Nancy Macharia stated that female teachers will be granted four months maternity leave while male tutors will be handed three weeks.
Macharia added that the revision is in line with the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
She also stated that teachers are eligible for 45 days of pre-adoptive leave, whereby the tutors would get their full salary from the date of adoption.
“The Code of Regulation for teachers (2015) read together with the CBA (2021-2025), have specific provisions for maternity, paternity, and pre-adoptive leave. In line with the said provisions all teachers are eligible for only one leave at a time,” she stated.
Macharia also announced that all services related to the leave application would be available on the online platform.

Teachers’ annual leave will not be forfeited if they take maternity leave, according to Macharia.
Female tutors were initially given 90 calendar days from the date of confinement.
“This leave is exclusive of annual leave. The application for leave should be submitted to the DEO/MEO/DCE through the head of institution at least one month before the leave is due and must have supporting medical documents,” read an excerpt from the TSC site.
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In the case of paternity leave days, a male teacher was previously granted ten days during the maternity leave of his spouse.
If a teacher had more than one wife, they were only entitled to leave days for the one whose name appeared on their National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) card.

TSC Makes Changes On Teachers Maternity and Paternity Leave