TSC Begins Mapping of Primary Teachers For JSS Deployment.
The Teachers` Service Commission (TSC) CEO, Dr. Nancy Macharia, has announced their efforts to ensure that the newly launched Junior Secondary School (JSS) has the right qualified teachers.
Dr. Macharia mentioned that there were many teachers in primary schools who have the necessary degrees and qualifications to teach JSS and those willing would be posted in JSS to address the shortage of teachers.
The TSC has created a portal on their website for teachers who are interested in moving to JSS to apply through.
According to Dr. Macharia, there are about 112,000 registered Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers in the country, however, only less than 50,000 of these teachers are employed by the 47 counties.
The TSC is also working towards balancing the teacher-student ratio to ensure equity in public schools. If a primary school has, for example, ten graduate teachers, the TSC would send some to nearby schools that have a shortage to help teach JSS.
Dr. Macharia reassured Kenyans that they were working tirelessly to ensure that the JSS launch goes smoothly. The TSC has deployed 30,550 new teachers, the largest number ever, to ensure the success of JSS.
Out of the 30,550 new teachers, 10,000 were employed on a permanent basis while 20,000 were employed as interns, but these interns will soon be employed on a permanent basis.
The TSC CEO stated that they have and will always consider the personal interests of teachers during delocalization and denied allegations that families had been destabilized by the delocalization process.
She added that 14,733 teachers had been delocalized, taking into consideration their personal interests and equity to ensure that other places are not left without teachers.
The chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Mr. Joe Nyutu, spoke about the need for more funding for the Education Ministry to employ more teachers. Next year, Grade Eight will be introduced in JSS, which means more teachers will be required.
Mr. Nyutu opposes any suggestions to reduce the entry grade into Teachers` Training Colleges, stating that teaching is a profession of quality and value that should be upheld.
He also promised to lobby for Sh2 Billion per County from the National Government for the refurbishment of ECDE and Vocational Training Centres (VCTs).
TSC Begins Mapping of Primary Teachers For JSS Deployment