Top 125 Nyanza Schools in KCSE: How Schools Performed
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam results have spawned a new generation of academic titans, but a number of well-established personalities also performed admirably.
In certain schools, all candidates attained university admissions grades, eliciting a variety of reactions.
According to Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu, there were no anomalies on a test in which a number of schools demonstrated a significant improvement relative to their 2021 results.
According to an analysis conducted by Sunday The Standard, the results of the majority of traditional top achievers were evenly distributed, with both high and poor grades recorded.
Nyanza schools of Nyambaria, Cardinal Otunga, and Asumbi Girls produced a total of 840 candidates with grades of A and A-.
Sironga Girls, St. Paul’s Igonga, and Kanga High are among the best performers in Nyanza.
Nyamira County was the talk of the nation, with Nyambaria at the top of the nation, as 28 of its candidates received straight A’s and 383 received A-. This results in an average score of 10,897.
A year ago, their mean score was 9.308, representing a leap of 1.58.
The mean score at Mobamba High School, a county school in Kisii County, posted between 5.15 to 9.284. This translates a leap of 4.12 inches.
The mean score at Rigoko Day Secondary School in Borabu, Nyamira County, was 9.0. (B plain).
All 52 students who sat the national exam in 2022 at Rigoko Day Secondary School attained a mean grade of C+ or higher, thereby qualifying for university admission.
Still in Nyanza, Maranda High School and Maseno School had the largest number of students with A plains.
Even though they were pushed aside by Nyambaria National School because of their mean scores, their straight A’s were higher.
Maranda had 68 straight A’s, but Maseno only had 48 straight A’s. Maranda had 143 A-minus students. Maseno had 20 A plain in 2021.
Peter Nyawach, vice-principal of Maseno, stated that the institution had registered 552 candidates for the exam, of which at least 133 received an A- (minus).
“We had a slightly bigger number of candidates of 552 this year compared to 547, and am glad to say we are happy that our students have performed better than last year,” Nyawach said.
The deputy principal ascribed the positive results to work, teamwork, devoted teachers, parents, and disciplined candidates. Cardinal Otunga had 28 students with an A average in Kisii.
Kisii High, an additional traditional powerhouse, had 22 students with a straight grade plain average.
With a mean of 9.12, the school was among the best scorers in the Gusii region.
Orero Boys, the typical top-performing school in Homa Bay, had 14 students with straight As, while Mbita High had 15 students with straight As. The school averaged 9.4 points.
Principal Dickens Bula said: “We have always put more efforts in ensuring the school is consistent. This consistency has given our school the good reputation it enjoys today,” Mr Bula said.
Another top performer in Homa Bay, Agoro Sare, earned 12 As.
The average score at Moi High School Kabarak was 10.13, an increase from the previous year’s performance.
The school earned 33 A’s, 135 A-minuses, and 84 B’s.
Principal Elisheba Cheruiyot stated that the school had 351 candidates.
Top 125 Nyanza Schools in KCSE: How Schools Performed
NOName of SchoolCountyMean Score1NYAMBARIA SCHOOLNyamira10.8972CARDINAL OTUNGAKisii10.763Kokuro BoysMigori10.684ASUMBI GIRLSHoma Bay10.3775GONZAGA GONZANyamira10.36ST. PAULS IGONGAKisii10.247Igonga DOK SecondaryKisii10.248Kisumu Day Secondarykisumu10.0749KANGA HIGHMigori9.9710ORERO BOYSHoma Bay9.90611MASENO SCHOOLKisumu9.66312Ogande GirlsHoma Bay9.6213Sawagongo HighSiaya9.61914MARANDA SCHOOLSiaya9.54115Nyakongo boysNyamira9.5416Bishop Linus Okok girlsHoma Bay9.4317Nyalenda SecondaryHoma Bay9.318MOBAMBA HIGHKisii9.28419Sigoti ComplexKisumu9.2720Kiage Tumaini HighKisii9.2321Saye MixedHoma Bay9.2222MBITA HIGHHoma Bay9.15723KISII SCHOOLKisii9.1224MWONGORI HIGHNyamira9.11925KUURA SECNyamira9.1126ST PETERS ABWAO SECONDARYkisumu9.127St Pauls Gekano BoysNyamira9.063428NYANSIONGO HIGHNyamira9.05329WANG’APALA BOYSHoma Bay9.0430RIGOKO ELCKNyamira931AGORO SAREHoma Bay8.93532MENYENYA SDANyamira8.87133Moteiribe SecondaryKisii8.85934KEBIRIGO BOYSNyamira8.84235Nyamagwa girlsKisii8.82336NYAIKURO MIXED SECNyamira8.7137Got Rateng’ MixedHoma Bay8.738Chemelil Sugar AcademyKisumu8.6939St Andrew Kaggwa Girls HighNyamira8.64840NYABURURU GIRLSKisii8.63141Nyabite DOK SecondaryKisii8.60142NYAKOIBA HIGHKisii8.643Ober BoysHoma Bay8.644Nyangajo GirlsHoma Bay8.645Kianungu MixedNyamira8.546RAPOGI HIGHMigori8.48947Kisumu GirlsKisumu8.4748MANGA GIRLSNyamira8.449Dudi GirlsHoma Bay8.450NYAKEMINCHA SECNyamira8.3551Koru Girlskisumu8.346552NYANSABAKWA BOYSNyamira8.31653Bishop AbieroKisumu8.354BOGICHONCHO PAGKisii8.27555Rang’ala GirlsSiaya8.226456RAN’GALA GIRLSSiaya8.22657MATUTU PAG SECNyamira8.258Mirogi BoysHoma Bay8.259Obera BoysHoma Bay8.260KIABONYORU HIGHNyamira8.1761Ulanda GirlsMigori8.1762RAN’GALA BOYSSiaya8.11763PeHill BoysMigori8.164Gendia HighHoma Bay8.165NYACHURURU SECNyamira8.0866KEBABE GIRLSNyamira8.0767SAMETA HIGHKisii8.063768NYABISASE MIXEDKisii8.02569AMASEGE SDAKisii8.02370AMABUKO SECKisii8.01171Gekano GirlsNyamira7.97272St Bernabas KombewaKisumu7.9373Ramba BoysSiaya7.92474Matongo BoysNyamira7.8675Riokindo BoysKisii7.8376Onjiko BoysKisumu7.8277NYANG’ORI HIGHkisumu7.814378Nyamira BoysNyamira7.80679Ridore MixedKisumu7.880Maroo EsindeKisii7.79581SINYOLO GIRLSkisumu7.775382ST JOSEPHS BIEGO SECONDARYNyamira7.764783Magwar ModelKisumu7.7684Lwak GirlsSiaya7.785Gesiaga HighNyamira7.695486Sironga GirlsNyamira7.6987Omwari SecondaryKisii7.64788Nyamiranga SDANyamira7.612589Ugenya HighSiaya7.590ACK Rae Girlskisumu7.591St Mary’s YalaSiaya7.592HOMA BAY HIGH SCHOOLHoma Bay7.593Moi GesusuKisii7.4994Mokubo SecondaryKisii7.4695KANYAWANGA HIGHMigori7.4586RINGA BOYSHoma Bay7.4497RAE GIRLSKISUMU7.498GEKONGE SECONDARYNyamira7.3599Kereri Girls HighKisii7.312100Nyakeore MixedNyamira7.302101Riooga SecondaryKisii7.3102Riyabe SecondaryNyamira7.291103Itierio GirlsKisii7.28104NYABONDO BOYSKisumu7.26105AHERO GIRLSKisumu7.2106WIRE MIXEDHoma Bay7.2107Kiabonyoru GirlsNyamira7.1982108AIC Gietai GirlsNyamira7.13109KAMAGAMBO ADVENTISTMigori7.1110St Mathias Mulumba GirlsNyamira7.078111Moi Girls SindoHoma Bay7.063112Ibacho HighKisii7.053113Nyamagwa BoysKisii7.0269114Ichuni girlsKisii7115OYUGI OGANGO SECONDARYMigori6.9593116MAGUNGA SECONDARYKISUMU6.73117Nyakach GirlsKISUMU6.5574118Sengera MangaNyamira6.3736119Oriwo BoysHoma Bay6.2120Kuoyo Kochia SecondaryHoma Bay6.1121Makairo SecondaryNyamira6.0615122Nyabigena BoysKisii5.88502123St Gregory Obanga MixedHoma Bay5.8811124LUORA SECONDARYHoma Bay5.8209125God Oloo MixedHoma Bay5.5815Top 125 Nyanza Schools in KCSE: How Schools Performed
Top 125 Nyanza Schools in KCSE: How Schools Performed