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Teachers Cry Foul in TSC ‘Shrewd and Unfair’ Recruitment

Teachers Cry Foul in TSC 'Shrewd and Unfair' Recruitment

Teachers Cry Foul in TSC ‘Shrewd and Unfair’ Recruitment

It has been reported that several female teachers in Nandi, Kenya were allegedly denied employment by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on the basis of their counties of birth.

These teachers had applied for employment in Nandi, but despite producing their marriage certificates as evidence of marriage in the county, TSC officials allegedly declined to give them jobs.

According to those who spoke to the Star, they were told that only local unemployed teachers were being given priority.

The female teachers who were accompanied by their spouses protested, saying that the issue of “local teachers” was not part of TSC requirements, and that they were unfairly denied employment.

They claim that TSC is promoting localization of marriages instead of using it for national integration.

The teachers hail from various counties, including Baringo, Trans-Nzoia, Bungoma, Uasin-Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kericho, Bomet, Nakuru and Laikipia, among others.

They are calling for TSC to apologize to them and hand them employment letters, as they met all the required criteria.

When contacted for comment, Chesumei sub-county TSC director Kennedy Mekenye denied the claims, saying he was not aware of any such incidents.

“I had personally invited them for interviews, for now, I’m not aware of anyone rejected on the basis of marriage,” Mekenye told the Star on phone.

The majority of those rejected were from the Chesumei sub-county, with spouses protesting over discrimination.

A Mandera Central merit list shared online indicated that locals were given higher priority in ranking.

This report raises concerns about the fairness and impartiality of the TSC’s hiring process, and the potential for discrimination on the basis of county of birth.

It is important that the TSC addresses these allegations and ensures that their hiring decisions are based on qualifications, experience, and availability of positions, rather than on factors such as county of birth or local residency.

Furthermore, any discrimination should be reported and investigated appropriately.

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