Schools Release Students a Week Before Mid-Term Break, Cite Funding Issues and Event Clash
Some secondary school administrators have granted their students an early midterm break. This is approximately one week early.
The initial school calendar indicated that the students would break the following week on Thursday, June 29, and return on Tuesday, July 2.
In a circular dated April 24, Basic Education PS Bellio Kipsang adjusted the beginning of the midterm by one day. Dr. Kipsang stated that the midterm break would now begin on Tuesday, June 27 of next week.
Kipsang stated that the evaluation was prompted by a request from secondary school principals for space for their 46th annual conference scheduled for the following week.
“The ministry recognizes that the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (Kessha) conference is an important event that allows schools managers to make a review and share experiences in running of schools,” said Kipsang.
Kahi Indimuli, chairman of Kessha, requested the ministry to extend the midterm break for learners, stating that the meeting coincided with the break.
However, despite the modification of midterm dates, some institutions have already sent students home nearly one week early, raising questions.
Several schools have sent students home early, citing insufficient funds to keep students in school. Others cited the ongoing sub-county music festival as a justification for sending students home.
Parents were perplexed as to why students were being sent home early.
However, the association’s chairman, Silas Obuhatsa, refrained from speaking on behalf of the parents.
Obuhatsa stated, “I have been invited to the heads conference and I do not want to be subjected to humiliation during the event.“
As the government had just released billions to schools, some parents questioned the prudence of sending children home early.
A parent of a city school stated, "We are disappointed by our association because they should be asking the difficult questions on our behalf.”
The PS issued a circular last week detailing the allocation of funds to schools and cautioning principals against sending students home.
Kipsang had signed a circular indicating that school funding had been distributed. The PS indicated in the circular that the Sh24 billion was to settle the final tranche.
Kipsang also cautioned principals against sending students home over school fees.
However, a principal who requested anonymity stated that the government has issued policies that hinder the efficient operation of schools.
“When the ministry announced the release of funds, it is difficult to collect fees from parents. This complicates our work considering that the funds are not enough,” said the school head.
Another teacher stated that they are utilizing the opportunity to send students for fees, noting that the government’s failure to provide adequate funding influenced their decision.
“We anticipated that each student would require Sh21,945.55 to cover the last quarter, 50 percent of the first term, and 30 percent of the second term. This constituted an insult.”
Indimuli stated that he had raised the issue with Education CS Ezekiel Machogu, imploring him to revert to the termly distribution of capitation based on a 50:30:20 ratio.
“We don’t operate in quarters as other government departments, our operations are on a termly basis,” Indimuli said.
Schools Release Students a Week Before Mid-Term Break, Cite Funding Issues and Event Clash