Rising Teacher Suicides Puts TSC on the SpotThe Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was petitioned on Monday, May 9, to address the welfare of tutor after four teachers committed suicide in Borabu, Nyamira, within a month.The four people committed suicide in the last 30 days, according to County Commander James Mutigo, with the most recent instance occuring on Monday morning.Mutigo stated that his officers were collaborating with officials from the teachers’ employer, TSC, as well as the county to figure out what was causing the recent surge in suicide cases in the area.Victor, a teacher at a national school, was found dead in his bedroom among those who committed suicide. His father, Peter Mong’are, informed the media that despite his best efforts, he could tell his son was depressed, maybe due to financial difficulties.Bernard Momanyi, a primary school teacher who lived close to Mongare’s home, died recently. According to his wife, Leonora Hamadi, the deceased was discovered hanging from a tree with no signs of life.Borabu KNUT Secretary-General Charles Obure attributed the increase in suicide cases on teachers’ stagnant wages, which have not been modified in accordance to the growing cost of living, putting them on the verge of suicide.“The last time the teacher’s house allowance was reviewed was in 1996, which means the amount they are given does not match what they pay for rent. We are requesting our employer to review this issue,” he stated.ALSO READ:President Uhuru Kenyatta, aware of the rising cost of living, approved a 12% rise in the minimum wage during the May 1 Labour Day celebrations.Members of Parliament have rejected a proposal by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to postpone an upward pay review for civil officials.Counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists suggest that if you are having mental health problems, you should always get help. For assistance, dial 1199, the Kenya Red Cross toll-free number.Rising Teacher Suicides Puts TSC on the Spot