Procedure For Establishing Educational And Training Institutions In Kenya
The procedure detailed below will be followed when applying for authority to establish: –
– Stand-alone Pre-Primary 1 and 2
– Pre-Primary 1 and 2, and Grades 1, 2, and 3;
– Pre-Primary 1 and 2, and Grades 1—6;
– Primary and junior secondary schools;
– junior secondary school only,
– senior secondary school only, especially for private schools which may wish to invest only in this level;
– The whole school, running from pre-primary to senior secondary school,
– Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE); Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE);
– Diploma in Early Childhood Development Teacher Education (DECDTE); Diploma in Special Needs Teacher Education (DSNTE);
– Alternative Provision of Basic Education and Training (APBET) Institutions; Adult and Continuing Education Centres (DACTE);
– SNE institutions (including stage-based levels); institutions offering a foreign or international curriculum. Mobile schools
– Institutions offering foreign or international curricula
– Mobile schools
Step I
Application to CEB:
i. The applicant will apply to the CEB for approval to establish an Educational Institution in a specifically designated location
ii. In support of the application provide:
a. Registered name of the proposed institution;
b. Name and qualifications of the manager (for private institutions);
c. Land Registration (LR) number/leasehold and site plan.
Step 11
Site assessment and approval by CEB
Step III
The inspection shall be carried out by the following:
i. County Public Health
ii. County/Sub-County Quality Assurance and Standards officers,
iii. Ministry responsible for Public Works (certificates of completion and occupancy)
iv. NEMA where applicable (e.g. if the land is next to riparian land).
ALSO READ: Requirements For Registration Of Public And Private Learning Institutions In Kenya
The reports and certificates issued shall be forwarded to the Sub County Director of Education
within 14 days.
Step IV
Submission of application forms to the Sub-County Director of Education (SCDE) for forwarding to the CEB.
Step V
CEB deliberations and recommendations for registration within a period of three months
Step VI
Issuance of a Registration certificate signed by the County Director of Education (CDE) or a rejection letter
– Only institutions that have all the tuition facilities required for the level applied shall be registered
– Application for five-year registration shall be done 3 months before the expiry of provisional registration;
– Provisional registration can only be extended once for a further period of 12 months. Failure to meet these requirements, the institution shall be de-registered;
– The Assessment reports shall not be more than 6 months old;
– Registration of new public institutions and public Teacher Training Colleges shall be approved by the Principal Secretary before issuance of the certificates.
Application forms duly filled and attached with relevant documents shall be signed by SCDE who will forward them to the CEB for deliberation and recommendation.
Application forms for registration of the institution and manager MUST be filled in triplicate. All application forms for registration MUST be accompanied by the following documents: –
– Letter of approval (licence) by CEB to start an institution;
– An assessment report signed by Sub-County Quality Assurance and Standards Officer (SCQASO) or County Quality Assurance and Standards Officer (CQASO) in person and countersigned by SCDE in person;
– A Public Health Inspection Report signed by a Sub-County Public Health Officer in person;
– Public Works report/certificates of completion and occupancy;
– A certified copy of the land title deed or renewable lease agreement of at least 8 years (for Primary) and 4 years ( for secondary 8 4 4, Junior Secondary, and Senior Secondary) or a letter from the Ministry responsible for lands, certifying the concurrence of the community (for public institutions built on public/community land). The lease agreement must be drawn by a Commissioner of Oaths.
– A list of teaching staff who shal1 be adequate as per the existing staffing norms for Pre Primary and Primary schools, and Curriculum-Based Establishment for secondary schools and teacher training colleges (at least one (1) per class for primary and one (1) pet subject for secondary and Teacher Training Colleges). All teachers MUST be validly registered with the Teachers Service Commission.
– A copy of business name registration certificate, certificate of incorporation or both for a private institution or certificate of change of name from the Registrar of Companies for re-registration. (Possession of this certificate or County business permit is NOT a license to operate an educational or training institution under the Basic Education Act 2013);
– Environmental Impact Assessment report by NEMA where applicable;
– A banker’s cheque is addressed to the Principal Secretary, as stated in this document entitled “Registration Fees”.
Procedure For Establishing Educational And Training Institutions In Kenya