Principals Want Schools To Have Up To 4 Deputies.To improve management, secondary schools with large student populations should have up to four deputy principals.Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (Kessha) chairman Indimuli Kahi said yesterday during the association’s 45th annual conference at Sheikh Zayed Children’s Welfare Centre in Mombasa that the management of such schools has gotten more difficult.“Secondary school principals face the risk of losing their jobs as they appear inefficient. One of the reasons that brought about these challenges is the 100 per cent primary school-secondary school transition policy which has massively increased the student population,” Indimuli said.He stated that schools with two deputy principals should consider adding two more to efficiently operate the institutions, noting that some of these schools had a student population of 3,000.“We need additional deputy principals for the smooth running of schools and to lessen the burden on the principals,” said Indimuli.He added: “In some of the schools, we have two deputy principals who are in charge of academics and administration. We need to consider adding another two.”“The job of a principal is very risky today. If you blink an eye you are gone. If a school is burnt, the principal takes the whole blame.”Meanwhile, Indimuli bemoaned what he called the unwarranted “demotion of principals” adding that it is punishing and should be reconsidered.“We are urging the Teachers Service Commission to first issue a warning to a principal who errs instead of removing them from their positions,” said Indimuli.He also advocated for the creation of a “senior chief principal” role as part of the changes. Indimuli expressed worry that many principals were stuck in grade D3 and requested TSC to create the new grade and make it easier for them to advance.The principals alleged that there have been disparities in medical allowance between them and their primary school colleagues in several regions of the country. He said that some of his primary colleagues receive the perks while they do not.He also expressed his dissatisfaction with their inability to obtain health-care services and requested that TSC assist. “ Members have called me at night after failing to get services in a number of hospitals,” Indimuli said.TSC directors present said that all teachers are required by law to participate in Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training.They also stated that the number of teachers promoted to the rank of head principle has climbed from 72 to around 3,000 since 2010.Reuben Ntamburi, Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, stated that TPD is a legal obligation that no teacher would be exempt from. He also stated that teachers will continue to support the initiative until parliament appropriates funding.“TPD is required under the law. The elephant in the room is the Sh6,000 for training. We are making efforts to convince parliament to allocate funds for it,” he said.Dr. Ntamburi stated that TSC has chosen four institutions to conduct online teacher training on TPD. This will take place over the course of five days beginning on May 9.ALSO READ:Julius Olayo, TSC’s director of Human Resource Management and Development, stated that hardship benefits had been discontinued.Following the outbreak of Covid-19, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission halted hardship allowances, according to TSC director for Human Resource Management and Development Julius Olayo.Principals Want Schools To Have Up To 4 Deputies