Primary Teachers Trained In Special Needs Education (SNE)
10 primary schools in the Loitoktok Sub-county have been chosen for a pilot project in which students with special needs will be incorporated with other pupils.
As a result, in preparation for this initiative, 40 teachers from ten local schools were trained in Special Needs Education on Friday (SNE).
During the training, Patrick Nang’unin, the Loitoktok Sub-county SNE Coordinator, stated that the pilot project’s goal is to integrate students with special needs with other students in the same institution.
Nangunin went on to say that mixing learners with special needs with others will help them develop socially as well as academically.
According to the coordinator, the pilot program’s goal is to enroll students with special needs in schools in their community.
Nangunin stated that the program will lessen the burden on parents who have such children when looking for institutions that provide services for special learners, which can be far away from their home.
He also mentioned that enrolling learners with special needs in local schools will help them interact with their parents or guardians on a regular basis.
According to the Coordinator, the SNE training for teachers is an eye-opener not only for the teachers, but also for the surrounding community in terms of learners with special needs.
However, Nangunin has stated that they are facing stigmatization and negative attitudes toward people living with disabilities from the local community, as well as a lack of support from local leaders in matters pertaining to this category of learners.
He praised the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), saying that it fully embraces the concept of inclusivity of such learners, making it relevant to everyday life.
At the same time, Nangunin requested that the school principal ensure that the environment in their schools is welcoming to students with special needs.
He has also urged members of the local community to raise awareness about special learners both in school and in the surrounding community, as well as to advocate for their acceptance.
Primary Teachers Trained In Special Needs Education (SNE)