A primary school teacher has been charged with cyberbullying TSC CEO Nancy Macharia.
Jeremiah Mwawuganga, who appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi, denied two counts of publishing false information claiming the TSC boss was dead.
The accused is accused of posting false information on TSC’s Facebook page on January 16, 2022, claiming that Ms Macharia had died and her body was discovered lying on her bed.
According to the prosecution, he shared the post knowing it was false and with the intent of instilling fear and panic in Ms Macharia and her family.
He was also charged with a second count of publishing false information in violation of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act for knowingly publishing false information through his Facebook account on the TSC page on the same dates.
Teacher Arrested Over Fake Facebook Death Post About TSC CEO Nancy Macharia
The teacher, through his lawyer Ruth Tanui, requested lenient bail terms, claiming that he was the sole breadwinner for his family and that he had been cooperating with investigators.
He was released on a Sh650,000 bond or Sh100,000 bail. The case will be heard in pre-trial on February 9, 2022.
Mwavuganga, a four-year teacher at the school, was arrested and found in possession of the handset used to create the viral post. It was also confirmed that the Facebook account used was his.
The suspect, who was born and raised in Wundanyi, Taita Taveta County, was escorted to DCI Headquarters, where he is being charged.
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Mwavuganga is scheduled to appear in court on Monday, January 24.
In response to his arrest, DCI issued a stern warning to those who abuse social media platforms by posting deceptive messages.
Mwavuganga, a four-year teacher at the school, was arrested and found in possession of the handset used to create the viral post. It was also confirmed that the Facebook account used was his.
Teacher Arrested Over Fake Facebook Death Post About TSC CEO Nancy Macharia
Primary School Teacher charged with Cyberbullying TSC CEO Nancy Macharia