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HomeEDUCATIONPost-Secondary Education Skills Unshackle Women From Poverty - Report

Post-Secondary Education Skills Unshackle Women From Poverty – Report

Post-Secondary Education Skills Unshackle Women From Poverty - Report

Post-secondary Education Skills Unshackle Women From Poverty – Report

According to a new survey, programs that support women in postsecondary education training give them the opportunity to unshackle from poverty and access new job opportunities.

A report titled “Implementing the Kenya Women Economic Empowerment Community of Practice” by the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW) identifies initiatives that enable women to seize opportunities that come their way.

They range from childcare to skill development.

Three initiatives, in particular, stand out. The first is from Kidogo, a non-governmental organization dedicated to improving early childhood care and education.

In Kisumu, the organization conducted a pilot study and discovered that providing childcare at vocational training centers improves young mothers’ enrollment and performance. It also cuts down on absenteeism and dropout rates.

The 2021 study sought to increase the enrolment and retention of young mothers in the centers by targeting young mothers aged 18 to 25 with children aged seven weeks to three years old.

“Having young women spend more time in training means you end up with a better equipped and skilled human resource,” said Dr. Erick Yegon, senior associate director at ICRW.

Young mothers who spend uninterrupted time in class can learn skills that will help them get decent jobs or start high-value businesses.

The second is Employment for Development. This is being promoted by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers and the government, with the assistance of GIZ.

It aims to increase the number of internships taken up by young women and men, some of which lead to permanent or long-term contracts.

This intervention aims to address the low rate of female graduates entering non-traditional industries such as manufacturing.

Young Kenyans who participate in the program gain hands-on experience and industry competencies that better prepare them for the labor market.

The third initiative is based on a non-experimental study currently underway at Kenyatta University’s Women Economic Empowerment Hub.

It aims to demonstrate that apprenticeship, internship, and mentorship increase the employment of young women.

It is doing so by examining the impact of the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP) on young women’s employment.

KYEOP is a government initiative administered by the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority and the Kenya Private Sector Alliance.


The World Bank is funding it in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Kwale counties.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, which sent millions into poverty after many lost their jobs or dropped out of school, the importance of examining barriers to women’s advancement in the labor market became even more critical.

Post-secondary Education Skills Unshackle Women From Poverty – Report

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