Poor Rated Counties In Timely TPAD Submission
More than 90% of primary and secondary school tutors have used the Teacher Professional Appraisal and Development (TPAD) system, providing a significant boost to the Teachers Service Commission’s (TSC) fight against absenteeism.
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia stated that, while some teachers still have difficulty using the system, data shows that it has helped to reduce teacher absenteeism, increase accountability, and improve the quality of teaching in schools.
Ms Macharia stated that in the most recent appraisals, 319,584 teachers in both primary and secondary schools successfully completed and submitted their online forms to TSC, compared to 341,760 in previous years.
According to the TSC report, 32 counties had TPAD completion rates of more than 90%, while 14 had rates ranging from 80% to 89%.
Only Baringo County had a completion rate of 79.4 percent, which is attributed to insecurity in the area.
Lamu and Nairobi Counties received the most complete appraisals, with 99.36% and 99.05%, respectively.
“Samburu was among the most-improved county in terms of teachers who had completed appraisals, rising from 55.92 per cent in the 2021 second term to 84.67 per cent currently,” says TSC.
Poor Rated Counties In Timely TPAD Submission
– Meru (1,107),
– Kitui (1,560),
– Siaya (1,004),
– Kisii (1,474),
– Uasin Gishu (1,073),
– Narok (1,019),
– Migori (1,469),
– Baringo (1,570).
TSC reports that 287,400 teachers completed their appraisals in the first term of 2021.
In term two, the number increased to 293,419 teachers, with 319,584 having completed the appraisals by the end of term three.
Ms Macharia stated that the commission’s ultimate goal is to achieve 100% compliance in the appraisal process.
The commission employs an official evaluation system to assess teachers’ quality and effectiveness in order to improve learning through the use of seven teaching standards.
Teachers’ promotions and career development are heavily influenced by the appraisal forms.
According to TSC, the TPAD system has promoted feedback between instructional supervision and teachers, as well as reduced absenteeism in schools in comparison to previous years.