New CBC Reforms Seeks Removal Of Compulsory Subjects
The Education Reforms Presidential Working Party has put forward comprehensive suggestions regarding the education system of the nation.
Among the proposed alterations is the elimination of mandatory subjects for career choices.
The party has requested that the KICD reduce the quantity of learning areas Under the changes aligned with the transition to CBC at the secondary school level, the party proposes that students have options for subjects that will determine their future careers.
Learners will be required to choose combinations such as English or Kiswahili, Math or Science, and any other five subjects at the Olevel; this will be accompanied by a reduction in the number of subjects at the Junior Secondary School level.
The Working Group has, however, maintained that the CBC system with instructions to the KICD to rationalize the system’s number of learning areas should be maintained.
Under the changes aligned with the transition to CBC at the secondary school level, the party proposes that students have options for subjects that will determine their future careers.
Learners will be required to choose combinations such as English or Kiswahili, Math or Science, and any other five subjects at the O-level; this will be accompanied by a reduction in the number of subjects at the Junior Secondary School level.
Junior Secondary School students will study fourteen subjects, of which twelve will be compulsory.
English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Health Education, pre-technical and pre-career, Social Studies, Religious Education, Business Studies, Agriculture, Life skills education, Physical Education/Sports, and foreign languages are among the 14 subjects listed in KICD’s new curriculum design.
Mathematics, Kiswahili, English, Life Skills, Health Education, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Business Studies, Religious Education, Agriculture, and Sports and Physical Education are among the 12 essential subjects taught.
At least one and no more than two subjects from the list of Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Home Science, Computer Science, Foreign Languages-German, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Kenya Sign Language, and Indigenous Languages are offered as electives to students.
New CBC Reforms Seeks Removal Of Compulsory Subjects