Ministry of Education to Set Up Common CBC Schools
The government intends to construct composite schools that will bring together students from all four CBC levels.
Learners in Pre-primary, Primary, Junior Secondary, and Senior Secondary schools, to be called as Comprehensive Schools, will have a single administrator.
According to the Ministry of Education, the comprehensive school would employ a curriculum that permits optimal resource utilization across all levels.
“Each level will offer age-appropriate content and grading for the learners, based on the curriculum prescribed,” the ministry says in new guidelines.
The comprehensive school is governed by a Board of Management (for public schools) or a Board of Directors or Board of Trustees (for private schools).
According to the government, he school shall be administered by one principal (or director for private schools) assisted by deputies at each level.
“The school shall be administered by one principal (or director for private schools) who will be assisted by deputies at the different levels,” the ministry says.
The school’s administration must establish a five-year strategic plan that will be supervised by the education and quality assurance officers.
In the case of sponsorship, the sponsor of the primary school where the JSS is located automatically assumes the position of sponsor for the corresponding JSS, according to the criteria.
The JSS students will be instructed in 12 core topics and one or two electives.
The basic subjects include English, Kiswahili or KSL, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Health Education, Pre-technical and Pre-career education, Social Studies, Religious Education (CRE, IRE, or HRE), Business Studies, Agriculture, Life skills, and Physical Education.
Other courses consist of Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Home Science, Computer Science, Foreign Languages (German, French, or Mandarin), Arabic, Kenyan Sign Language, and Indigenous Language.
At the Pre-Vocational level, learners will be evaluated in nine subjects: Communication, Social, and Literacy Skills; Daily Living Skills; Mathematics Activities; Music and Movement; Religious Education and Christian Religious Education.
Other disciplines include Hindu Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Physical and Health Education, Hygiene, Nutrition, and Safety, Environmental Activities, and Social Studies.
Ministry of Education to Set Up Common CBC Schools