Lower Primary Curriculum Designs (Grade 1, 2, 3). (VOLUME 1)
Volume One Curriculum Designs
• Kiswahili Activities
• Literacy Activities
• English Activities
The Lower Primary designs are meant for learners in Grade 1 to 3. They have taken cognisance of the various aspects of the development of learners of that age cohort.
Volume Two Curriculum Designs
• Mathematics Activities
• Environmental Activities
• Hygiene and Nutrition Activities
The designs are comprehensive enough to guide the teachers to effectively deliver the curriculum.
The teacher must understand the learning outcomes and be able to use the suggested learning experiences to achieve the outcomes.
Volume Three Curriculum Designs
• Christian Religious Education
• Hindu Religious Education
• Islamic Religious Education
The teacher can also design their own learning experiences as long as they achieve the designed learning outcomes.
A variety of learning experiences will ensure that learners are engaged in the learning experience. Practical experiences will allow learners to retain more in the learning process.
Volume Four Curriculum Designs
• Movement and Creative Activities
The designs allow the teachers to use a variety of assessment methods but in the end, they must evaluate the achievement of the learning outcomes.
The curriculum designs are very critical and teachers must make reference to them consistently.
By the end of early years’ education, the learner should be able to:
– Demonstrate basic literacy and numeracy skills for learning.
– Communicate appropriately using verbal and/or non-verbal modes in a variety of contexts.
– Demonstrate appropriate etiquette in social relationships.
– Apply creativity and critical thinking skills in problem solving.
– Explore the immediate environment for learning and enjoyment.
– Practice hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, safety skills to promote health and wellbeing.
– Demonstrate the acquisition of emotional, physical, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development for balanced living.
– Demonstrate appreciation of the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
– Apply digital literacy skills for learning and enjoyment.
Lower Primary Curriculum Designs