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KNEC Announces 2023 Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA)

KNEC Announces 2023 Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA)

KNEC Announces 2023 Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA)

In order to develop and nurture moral values in learners, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has issued instructions to schools regarding the Grade 3 Integrated Learning Assessment for the year 2023.

The assessment will span two months and conclude with an exhibition day where learners will showcase activities that promote moral values.

Teachers are required to guide learners throughout the process, assessing core competencies and values along the way.

The targeted general learning outcomes for early years education serve as the foundation for the assessment.

By the end of early years’ education, learners should demonstrate basic literacy and numeracy skills, effective communication, appropriate etiquette, creativity, critical thinking, environmental exploration, hygiene and health practices, emotional and moral development, cultural appreciation, and digital literacy skills.

Performance Task

Under the theme of “Developing and Nurturing Moral Values in Learners for an Ethical Society,” the performance task focuses on various sub-tasks.

Learners will engage in activities such as observing photographs and videos, identifying school facilities and resources, sourcing tools for maintenance, demonstrating care for facilities, engaging in discussions, and creating and performing songs that communicate messages on moral values.

Learners will also participate in a tug of war while observing safety rules.

The assessment culminates in an Exhibition Day, where Grade 3 learners will showcase their achievements.

They will sing the national and East African anthems, display posters and charts promoting moral values, perform their songs, participate in the tug of war for entertainment, and present their assessment portfolios.

The portfolios should contain evidence of their work, teacher scores and comments, learner reflections, and dates of completion and assessment.

The performance task aligns with various learning areas and references across subjects.

These include environmental activities, movement and creative activities, English activities, literacy activities, Kiswahili activities, and religious activities.

These subjects provide a comprehensive framework for the development of moral values and their integration into the assessment.

Integrated Learning Assessment for Grade 3 Learners

In the Grade 3 Integrated Learning Assessment aimed at developing moral values for an ethical society, various learning areas and references have been identified.

These learning areas provide a framework for integrating moral values into the assessment tasks.

Let’s explore the targeted learning areas and their corresponding references:

– Environmental Activities

– Volume: Vol. 2

– Grade: 1

– Strand: 3.0

– Sub-strands: 3.1, 3.2

– Pages: 76, 77

– Movement and Creative Activities

– Volume: Vol. 4

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 1.0

– Sub-strand: 2.1

– Page: 78

– Volume: Vol. 4

– Grade: 3

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.2

– Page: 352

– English Activities

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 1.0

– Sub-strand: 1.1

– Page: 228

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.5

– Page: 259

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 3

– Strand: 1.0

– Sub-strand: 1.1

– Page: 268

– Literacy Activities

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 1

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.4

– Page: 132

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 1.0

– Sub-strand: 1.3

– Page: 150

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 1.0

– Sub-strand: 1.4

– Page: 162

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 3

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.2

– Page: 179

– Kiswahili Activities

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 1

– Page: 29

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.3

– Page: 41

– Volume: Vol. 1

– Grade: 2

– Strand: 2.0

– Sub-strand: 2.5

– Page: 56

– Religious Activities

– Volume: Vol. 3

– Grade: 3

– Strand: 4.0

– Sub-strand: 4.4

– Page: 158 (IRE)

– Volume: Vol. 3

– Grade: 3

– Strand: 4.0

– Sub-strand: 4.5

– Page: 72 (CRE)

These targeted learning areas and references ensure that the development of moral values is integrated into various subjects and activities, providing a comprehensive approach to nurturing ethical values in Grade 3 learners.

By focusing on these areas, educators can foster a sense of responsibility, empathy, and respect in young minds, contributing to the creation of a better society.

Targeted Core Competencies

To ensure holistic development, the Integrated Learning Assessment targets seven core competencies in Grade 3 learners:

a) Communication and Collaboration: Learners actively engage in group work and participate in pull and push games, enhancing their communication and collaboration skills.

b) Creativity and Imagination: Through the creation of posters, charts, and patterns with messages promoting moral values, learners exercise their creativity and imagination.

c) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Identifying facilities within the school environment and devising appropriate tools and methods for their care develop learners’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

d) Digital Literacy: By searching for video clips that promote moral values, learners improve their digital literacy skills, navigating online resources responsibly.

e) Self-efficacy: Learners gain confidence and self-assurance through various presentations, fostering their self-efficacy and belief in their abilities.

f) Learning to Learn: Preparation and rehearsal for the Exhibition Day activities encourage learners to develop learning strategies and become more effective learners.

g) Citizenship: Through various demonstrations, learners exemplify how to promote desirable moral values in society, cultivating their sense of citizenship.

Link to Values

The Integrated Learning Assessment also emphasizes the connection between core competencies and important values:

a) Responsibility: Learners demonstrate responsibility by observing safety measures during the assessment activities, ensuring their well-being and that of others.

b) Love and Unity: In group work, learners exhibit love and unity by assisting one another, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

c) Patriotism: Taking care of school facilities and resources, learners display patriotism and a sense of pride in their educational environment.

d) Integrity: Learners dutifully fulfill their roles, showcasing integrity and ethical b
ehavior in their actions.

e) Respect: Respecting instructions from teachers and accommodating diverse opinions, learners promote a culture of respect and open-mindedness.

Link to Personal and Civic Responsibilities

The Integrated Learning Assessment also aligns with personal and civic responsibilities:

a) Life Skills: As learners make decisions and set goals while acquiring moral values, they develop essential life skills that will benefit them beyond the assessment.

b) Health Education: Through caring for various facilities in their environment, such as cleaning and proper waste disposal, learners gain practical knowledge and skills related to health education.

c) Community Service Learning: By applying acquired competencies in real-life situations, learners understand the importance of contributing to their community, creating positive change, and promoting moral values beyond the classroom.

KNEC Announces 2023 Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA)

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