KCPE Exam Has Not Leaked, Says Ministry.
Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Innovation, and Youth Affairs Joe Mucheru oversaw the opening and distribution of examination materials in Kajiado on Monday.
After distributing the examination materials at the DCC Grounds in Kajiado Central, Mucheru assured parents and candidates that the examination had not been leaked.
“This exam has not leaked and we are going to ensure that the children receive the examinations from 8:30 am even though Kajiado is a vast county. We are glad there are no rains so we have no weather difficulties and are looking forward to completing the exercise in a safe environment and getting good results,” said Mucheru.
Mucheru also praised parents, teachers, and all other education stakeholders for ensuring that children could learn even during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We are very happy as the government that even through the Covid-19 period and the challenges that we had, our children have remained in school and have the opportunity to sit for the national exams. It is important that no year has been lost, thanks to all the stakeholders,” said Mucheru.
The Cabinet Secretary lauded the achievement of gender parity in Kajiado for this year’s KCPE examinations and praised the efforts made by the county’s education stakeholders to achieve parity.

In Kajiado, a total of 23,956 candidates will take the exam. The number of boys is 12,000, while the number of girls is 11,956.
Oloitoktok Sub County has the most candidates with 5,456, followed by Kajiado North with 5126, Kajiado Central with 4,211, Kajiado West with 4,088, Isinya Sub County with 3,372 and Mashuuru Sub County with 1,703 candidates.
Kajiado has 403 KCPE examination centers, 413 supervisors, and 1,392 invigilators.
The Cabinet Secretary, Joe Mucheru, opened the examination container, who was accompanied by Kajiado County Commissioner, Joshua Nkanatha, Kajiado County Education Director, Dr Salome Maina, and Kajiado Central Sub County Police Commander, Daudi Loronyokwe.

CS Mucheru oversaw the opening of the sealed container and distribution of the KCPE 2021 examination papers to center managers at Kajiado County.
KCPE Exam Has Not Leaked, Says Ministry