KASNEB Institutions Accreditation Requirements
Accreditation is a process that broadly aims to recognize training institutions for the quality and integrity of their training programs, entitling them to the trust of stakeholders such as students, parents, guardians, kasneb, and the general public.
The process evaluates a training institution’s effectiveness in meeting the accreditation requirements established by Kasneb, as well as its ongoing efforts to improve the quality of student learning programs and services.
Kasneb’s accreditation of training institutions, in particular, is intended to:
(a) Ensure that the overall quality of kasneb course education and training remains consistently high.
(b) Assure students and other stakeholders that training institutions have adequate and appropriate human, financial, technological, and physical resources, as well as any other facilities required to run the courses efficiently and effectively.
© Promote institutional improvement in training quality through continuous self-study and evaluation.
(d) Encourage good governance in training institution management and administration.
(e) Give advice and continuously encourage and support training institutions in maintaining and improving training quality standards.
The accreditation process will be guided by the principles of fairness, integrity, confidentiality, and professional judgment, with an emphasis on the strict application of standards and rules.
The core requirements are broad quality statements that express KASNEB’s basic expectations of accredited training institutions.
KASNEB Institutions Accreditation Requirements
In order to be accredited, a training institution must provide documented proof that the institution:
Is registered with the relevant ministry or established by a Parliamentary Act, and/or any other regulatory authorities as necessary.
Has effective governance and administrative structure in place to promote institutional integrity, autonomy, and operational flexibility.
It has a sufficient number of qualified and competent teaching and administrative staff to allow for the delivery of continuous learning programs to students.
There are adequate and appropriate lecture halls/classrooms, as well as a staff common room (s).
Has a properly and adequately stocked library.
Has adequate and appropriate technological resources, especially where the institution trains in KASNEB-examined ICT courses.
Other adequate and high-quality physical and sanitary facilities are available.
It has a solid financial foundation and a track record of financial stability to support its programs and services.
Has put systems in place to protect finances and other funds collected on behalf of KASNEB.
Has created policies and procedures for selecting, evaluating, and developing teaching and administrative staff, as well as assessing students’ performance and progress.
Has an internal quality assurance system in place to ensure that institutional policies, processes, and procedures are continuously evaluated and improved.
Requirements for training institutions that offer or plan to offer kasneb programs via distance or e-learning (DEL)
(i) Any institution that wishes to train for kasneb courses through DEL must be registered with the relevant ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, as applicable, and/or any other regulatory authority.
(ii) A planned and controlled process for developing, approving, and reviewing course material to be delivered through DEL shall exist. The procedure must be carried out by qualified and competent personnel.
(iii) DEL course material must be adequate and of sufficient quality to give students a reasonable chance of passing their exams. The following characteristics of effective course material must be present:
– consistent use of a clear layout and format.
– Clear and appropriate learning outcomes that are in line with Kasneb’s syllabuses.
– Content is divided and presented as appropriate into topics, modules, units, and lectures.
– Technical terms are explained clearly.
– Use illustrations and examples appropriate to the paper and level of difficulty.
– The student should be kept actively involved by using text and self-assessment questions, as well as other activities that require the application of knowledge and skills.
– A clear time allocation guide for students, including the average time to be spent on each topic.
– situations and responses to self-assessment questions to demonstrate the student’s performance and progress.
– Topic summaries are provided at the end of each topic.
– Include well-directed and specific references at the end of each topic or paper.
– Information, concepts, or approaches that are error-free, misleading, or out-of-date
(iv) The DEL’s curriculum and structure must be comparable to classroom-based learning.
(v) Adequate and appropriate technological and other facilities to support DEL shall be available on the premises of the institution, including:
– computer rooms with high-speed internet and e-mail access.
– library (with books, journals, CDs, DVDs, and cassettes as appropriate).
– Reading rooms and seminar rooms
– audio/tele/video conferencing facilities and equipment, as needed.
– appropriate infrastructure for technical support staff, trainers, and students.
– Reliable technical services, including backup and remote access.
(vi) There shall be an effective administrative structure that includes those in charge of managing:
– The creation of study materials;
– Production and distribution of educational materials;
– Student assistance services;
– Information and record-keeping systems;
– student evaluation;
– Monitoring, evaluation, and research are all part of the process.
(vii) Appropriate training for trainers and students on the DEL is required to ensure efficient and effective delivery of kasneb programs.
KASNEB Institutions Accreditation Requirements