CEMASTEA Announces JSS Teachers Training For April & May: Dates and Venues
The Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (CEMASTEA) has launched a training program for junior secondary school teachers on pedagogical content knowledge.
The program is divided into two batches, with the first taking place from April 25th to 28th and the second from May 2nd to 5th, 2023. The program will be held at County INSET Centers across the country.
It will cover a range of topics, including learner-centered pedagogies, inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, learning resources, ICT integration in learning, planning and modeling IBL lessons in subject cluster groupings, and the development and sourcing of suitable digital and non-digital learning resources.
Each day of the program will begin with registration from 8:00 to 8:30 am, followed by preliminaries and the start of the day’s activities at 8:30 am. There will be health breaks throughout the day to allow participants to rest and recharge. The program will conclude at 5:00 pm each day, with time set aside for reflective journaling and evaluation.
Day 1
On the first day of the program, participants will learn about learner-centered pedagogies, with a focus on inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and problem-based learning. They will also learn about learning resources and ICT integration in learning. The day will end with time for reflective journaling.
Day 2
The second day will focus on ICT integration in learning, planning and modeling IBL lessons in subject cluster groupings, and the development and sourcing of suitable digital and non-digital learning resources. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in peer teaching and critiquing of lessons.
Day 3
The third day will involve planning an IBL ICT integrated lesson based on a strand in Grade 7 and engaging in peer teaching and critiquing of lessons. The day will end with an evaluation of unit 1 and time for reflective journaling.
Final Day
The final day of the program will cover communities of practice (CoPs), mentorship, and career guidance. Participants will also discuss the way forward and attend a closing ceremony.
The program is being facilitated by County Trainers, with the County Trainers also serving as Day Chairs. The program will be evaluated after each unit to ensure that participants are gaining the intended knowledge and skills. Training aims to equip junior secondary school teachers with the pedagogical content knowledge needed to improve their teaching and help their students succeed.
CEMASTEA Announces JSS Teachers Training For April & May: Dates and Venues