Bomet School Shocks Kenyans With One Of The Worst-Performing Cases In 2021 KCPE Results.
A school in Bomet County posted a mean score of 86.04 in what could be one of the country’s worst-performing cases in the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations.
Chingondi Primary School in Mutharakwa ward, Bomet Central constituency, registered 17 candidates, some of whom had some of the worst national results.
The highest-scoring candidate received 137 points, while the lowest-scoring candidate received 46 points in a rare performance that sparked widespread interest in the country.
“This is the worst performance ever registered in the school and we are demanding an explanation not only from the institution managers and ministry of education but also the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) on this serious matter,” Ms Joan Kirui, a parent told Daily Nation.
Ms Kirui stated that an explanation as to whether there were malpractices or simply poor preparation on the part of the candidates was urgently required.
According to the school’s official results, the best performing student in English received 35 points, while the worst received 15 points, for a mean score of 22.29 in the subject.
In Kiswahili, the best performer received 28 points, while the worst received 06 points, for a total of 11.41 points in the subject.
Math received the highest score of 26 points, while the second received 19 points, and all 15 candidates received 17 points, for a mean score of 17.65 in the subject.
Two of the candidates received 32 points in the science subject, while the two candidates with the lowest performance received 03 points, for an overall mean score of 18.41.
In Social Studies and Religious Education, 13 candidates received 03 marks, with the highest mark being 14, and the candidates receiving a mean score of 5.29 in the subject.
County education officials refused to comment, despite the fact that some of them claimed to have visited the school on Wednesday, when the issue became public.

A school in Bomet County received a mean score of 86.04, making it one of the country’s worst-performing cases.
Bomet School Shocks Kenyans With One Of The Worst-Performing Cases In 2021 KCPE Results