136,833 Unemployed Primary School Teachers Apply For 1,000 Slots
The commission received 136,833 applications for the 1,000 new primary school teacher positions that were advertised.
Shortlisted candidates will be hired at the county level before being assigned to their schools.
TSC has also posted 8,230 job openings to replace teachers who have left the service due to natural attrition.
The 327,882 applications were received for both primary schools (6,539) and post-primary institutions (1,691).
This comes as some unemployed primary school teachers are urging the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to base recruitment on the year of graduation.
Teachers want the Commission to base its recruitment on the year they graduated from their respective Teacher Training Colleges (TTC).
Teachers protested after the Commission revealed a scoresheet that lumped together teachers who completed their Primary Teacher Education (PTE) in 2015 and earlier.
Teachers who graduated in 2015 or earlier were given the same grades, according to the July score sheet.
SCORING AREASMAXIMUM SCOREAProfessional P1 qualifications 6-14 points40 15-26 points35 27-38 points30 39-52 points25 53-64 points20 NB: The score does not include teaching practice MAXIMUM SCORE40BEvidence of internship service Served for three (3) years15 Served for (2) years10 Currently serving the first year of internship05MAXIMUM SCORE15CLength of Stay since qualifying as a teacher i. 2015 and before35 ii. 201630 iii. 201725 iv. 201820 v. 201915 Vi 202010 vii. 2021 and after05 MAXIMUM SCORE35D Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (CBC Upgrade) MAXIMUM SCORE10 GRAND TOTAL100
Some areas, such as the Asal , received fewer applicants in the lately advertised TSC teaching jobs.
136,833 Unemployed Primary School Teachers Apply For 1,000 Slots